Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Vain repititions refuted!

Hail Mary! Hail Satan!!

Vain Repetitions Refuted!
“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”—Matthew 6:7

God Hates Vain Repetitions!
The chanting of the Roman Catholic Rosary is VAIN REPETITION!!! It is exactly what God hates. God isnotimpressed with such empty and meaningless prayers. Some Catholics try to justify vain repetitious prayers with Scriptures such as Matthew 26:44, "And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words." But,askingGod three times for the same thing, is very different than mumbling the same dead words (the Rosary) over and over for a lifetime.

Furthermore, this was not the norm when Jesus prayed. There are times in our life where we will want to keep asking God for something; but, that is certainly not the same as mumbling the same WRITTEN, dead, repetitious, religious, words over and over. A Catholic repeats52"Hail Mary" in each DAILY Rosary prayer. Jesus clearly states that the "heathen" pray with useless repetitions. Since Catholics claim that their repetitious Rosary prayers are not "vain repetitions"; then I ask, who was Jesus speaking about? Do you realize that a faithful Catholic who prayers the Rosary every day, will in a lifetime say "Hail Mary" well over 1,000,000 times!!! Think about it.
And yet,notone mention is made of the name of Jesus Christ in the Rosary. Like it or not, the Word of God condemns formalized religion. It is abundantly clear that the nuns who are chanting the Rosary (which you are now hearing) are praying with VAIN REPETITIONS.
It is Sinful to Call a Priest "Father"!
I'm always amazed and saddened at the ignorance of Catholics. I mean, Matthew 23:9 forbids us from calling any man "Father" (i.e., to respect men as God); yet, this is exactly what Catholics call their priest.
Victims of Catholicism have even been brainwashed to believe that their priests can forgive sin. We know from 1st Timothy 2:5 that they are LIARS, because ONLY Jesus can forgive sin.
Even the Pharisees of Jesus' day weren't so arrogant as to believe they could actually forgive a person's sins (Mark 2:7). Don't be fooled friend, take a good look at the photo to the left. People are being led to worship the leaders of the Catholic Church. I see photos of people bowing down to statues of the Pope, kissing priests hands, etc. This is so wrong!
The following is the Catholic's defense of calling priests, "Father"...
"Jesus criticized Jewish leaders who love "the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues, and salutations in the market places, and being called ‘rabbi’ by men" (Matt. 23:6–7). His admonition here is a response to the Pharisees’ proud hearts and their grasping after marks of status and prestige."
The "Pharisees' proud hearts"? Look again at the above photo. As I said, even the Pharisees of Jesus' day weren't so arrogant as to believe they could actually forgive a person's sins. Who's proud? The Catholic Church LIES to people, by deceiving it's victims into believing that Jesus didn't mean what He said.
For Catholics to differentiate between the Pharisees of Jesus' day, and the religious leaders of today, is absurd! Religious leaders arenotto be recognized as anything more than sinful men, who have no special power with God. Even the greatest men of God, such as the Apostle Paul, are still sinners, unable to forgive anyone's sin. The Catholic Church says one thing, but does another.
The Pope Speaks Lies!
Pope John Paul II declared the Rosary as his favorite prayer, a "prayer for peace and for the family." Read his Apostolic Letter "Rosarium Virginis Mariae" (Rosary of the Virgin Mary).Pope John Paul II goes on to say. ...
"The Rosary of the Virgin Mary, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a prayer loved by countless Saints and encouraged by the Magisterium."
Pope John Paul II claimed that the Rosary took form "under the guidance of the Spirit of God." There is NO proof to substantiate this claim. On the contrary, the Word of God makes no mention whatsoever about praying to Mary. In fact, the Bible never elevates Mary in any capacity, nor does it lead us to recognize her in any way. So why do Catholics elevate Mary when the Word of God doesn't?
Why does the Catholic Church call Mary the "Queen of Heaven," a term from ancient Babylonian pagan worship (Jeremiah 7:18). Clearly, someone is lying, and it's not God (Romans 3:4). The Rosary is just another manmade tradition of Catholicism. Here is a long list of Catholic heretical traditions. These traditions are manmade and are not taught anywhere in the Scriptures.


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